Back then, homesteading was commonplace. For a very long time, it wasn’t even referred to as homesteading. It was just the agrarian, sustainable way of life that Americans led. There used to be a lot of tiny family farms and small companies in America. Nowadays, industrial agribusiness and companies abound. Almost 4,000 homesteaders in America were polled towards the end of 2022. We now know precisely where and how people are homesteading, thanks to this poll. We felt that giving you some homesteading statistics might be entertaining! When asked what motivated them to start homesteading, more than half of the respondents said it was the need to ensure their food security. Approximately 60% of respondents cited “healthier food” as their motivation, while the majority cited there desire for a simpler lifestyle. We found out what the main disadvantage of homesteading was from the homesteaders themselves. Of them, half said money was a problem, and half of the homesteaders said the largest challenge they had was locating land.